A fun-filled March break!

The quantity of snow received since January and the rather mild temperature allowed for the participants to enjoy several outdoor activities such as tubing, snowshoeing, painting on snow, building shelters and snowmen as well as large-scale activities. They were also able to participate in several winter team sports … before taking advantage of the outdoor campfire in order to warm up at the end of the evening. Our indoor facilities, including the double gymnasium and the semi-Olympic pool, also allowed for swimming and climbing, amongst other activities.
Once again this year, – all members of our team and families – agree that this edition of the March break camp was a great success!

Super stay for K. and E. who enjoyed the facilities, their counsellors and the food (K. is particularly difficult). The only downside is that the friends met there told them that, during summer, it’s even more fun… We’ll have to look into that! 🙂

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So, we’ll see you this summer?

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