Edphy International is proud to be a finalist in the DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION category with its project “SIGC, le Système Intranet de Gestion de Camps”. Indeed, in recent years, the entire team has worked on updating and developing this integrated system, tailor-made according to its needs, now allowing the complete computerization of all its management processes ranging from online registration, management of teams, schedules, meals, employees and groups and integrating the latest technologies (electronic transactions, batch communications, issuance of tax statements and much more). The platform, which thus serves as the pivot around which the Edphy experience is organized, promotes the cohesion of its entire community (families, agents, groups, employees, partners, etc.)

This project was notably made possible thanks to Patrice Béchard, programmer at Id-3 technologies, a long-time partner. The involvement of the various stakeholders (customers, partners, employees) was also a major contributing factor and remains a guarantee of success for all the new features to come.

Cross your fingers with us!🤞🏻